Sunday, July 25, 2010

A motivation

A student at Jammu university recently came up with an interesting and thought provoking discovery.

He targetted the CO2 problem which is released from bikes as exhaust.

He just fitted a small tank in the bike. Filled it with water. And passed the CO2 through it.

CO2 dissolved in water and turned into carbonic acid.

Exhaust was CO2 less.

How much economic!

How much easy!

So do you think it needed a super intelligent brain.

Well it needs a good observant and thinking brain.

So science students today should try to think out of the books and out of the box.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

parts of the project

By now many among you must have thought about some interesting and innovative research ideas for KVPY project. But many of you may not be knowing how to write it up.

So here I will describe the parts (and their usefulness) one has to include in a written project /article/research paper.

A research project should consist of the following parts and in this order only:

1 Title
2 Authors
3 Abstract
4 Introduction
5 Materials and Methods
6 Results
7 Discussion
8 References

These parts serve the following functions:

Title :
Tells what the paper is about

Authors :
Tells who did the work and who assumes responsibility for it

Abstract :
Summarizes the results of the paper, and sometimes the interpretation

Introduction :
Sets the framework of the paper: why it is important or interesting

Materials and Methods :
Gives details of materials used and of experimental methods

Results :
Reports what the researchers actually found; data may be in graphs, tables, or photographs

Discussion :
Discusses two sets of issues: (1) the adequacy of the experiments
(2) the relationship of the results to other work in the field

References: Lists other papers relevant to experiments

Hope you will find it informative.

Happy writing!