Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time management for attempting paper

This is a common plaint of many students that although they know the answers, but 3 hrs time is not enough to finish them. They end up leaving one question or two.

But the rule is:

Its better to complete 5 questions partially than to do 3 or 4 questions fully and leave the fifth one attempted even when one knows the answer.

Such things happen due to mismanagement of time.

So here we will examine the situation from examination point of view.

Case 1

Suppose, in a paper you have to do five questions in all. And exam is of 3 hrs.

So first, one must divide and allocate the time to each question. If all the questions are of equal weightage i.e equal marks then you will give equal time to each question while answering.

So in this case (a little math) it becomes -

180 minutes/5 = 36

So you have 36 minutes to each question. keep your watch in front of you and start answering. Suppose 36 minutes are over and you havn't finished the answer, just leave some space ( you know would be sufficient) and switch to the next answer. You can come back to it later.

In this way you will be able to finish all the answers.

And remember, its tough for teachers to give mark to an answer which has not been attempted at all as compared to the one in which at least 5 correct lines have been written.

Case 2

Generally in some cases Question no 1 is longer.

In this case allocate a larger chunk of time to first question say 45 minutes. And then divide the rest of the time equally to other answers.

One advice

Question no 1 is sometime not very lengthy .

Sometimes only two words or one sentence is sufficient.

e.g If the question is : Who is considered the father of genetics?

The answer would be : Gregor Mendel.

And don't start like : Gregor Mendel. And his wife was Mrs X Mendel. And she was sooooooo beautiful that I can't even explain!

End of the joke.

This may be exaggeration but some students go on beating about the bush. So don't do this and use the saved time for lengthier questions.

Wish you a lot of time!


Monday, January 25, 2010

Semester system - student's opinion

Two issues are running in D.U these days and have become very controversial. They are:

1 Semester system at undergraduate level:

Teachers are divided into two groups over semester system at undergraduate level. Some of them are opposing it and still others favor it.

Whatever the case may be, no one is asking student's opinion.

In my opinion following are the positive and negative points for such a system:


Burden on students will be reduced. Say their are 10 chapters in a subject. At present students have to learn all those 10 and present in 3 hrs during exams. But in semester system the 10 chapters will be reduced to half. And in same 3 hrs students will have to present only 5 chapters.
Which would be comparatively an easier thing for students.

Fast and effective assessment: Students can be assessed after every six months instead of 12 months. Therefore it would be effective also.

A feel of faster moving: After six months students will jump to next level. They need not to wait for one full year to go to next level.


Increased motivation among students: Students will feel motivated towards studies from the beginning. Since they will have to appear in exam after 6 months. In current annual system majority of students act lethargic and wake up only in the last two months.


No house exams which are just a formality.

Reduced burden of so unimportant assignments. Since they will be cut out from the syllabus.


1 Lesser time for extracurricular activities: Myself being a strong supporter of ECA, I think students will get less time for practicing. But that can be solved by putting extra hours to such activities.

2 The major negative is for teachers. They will have to set and evaluate papers so frequently which will add to their workload. Also they won't be enjoying as much vacations as they do now.
They will have the pressure to finish the syllabus in time also.

2 Course structure and syllabus

The second issue is the course structure which has also been changed so as to fit in the semester system.
Many teachers are opposing the revised syllabus also.

In case of Zoology for example, out of (1) chordates and non chordate animals and (2) molecular biology (biotech, genetics, biochemistry and immunology) - the emphasis is being put on the second i.e molecular biology. But some of the conventional zoologists are against it.

The point which teachers are raising against is - they want to continue teaching the age old non chordates and chordates.

According to them without teaching about the animal one can not conserve them.

But they fail to understand that conservation biology is a different branch. And has nothing to do with dissecting frog or cockroach.

The second thing is - not much research and new updates has been done in chordates and non-chordates field. However in case of molecular biology everyday new researches are being published. People are coming with new proteins and genes.

So many Genomes are being adding up. A lot of data is being piled up. So who will be going to study that all and when if they are not starting at undergraduate level.

Zoology needs a make over. From conventional to advanced.

Well students opinion have not been asked anywhere in all this. Wheteher they like semester system or not. What kind of syllabus they want? but to say, ironically, it's being done for them only .


Sunday, January 24, 2010

And what was - students own fault.

Apart from the external factors as I posted in previous post and which are not in students hand, here I am highlighting some more factors for which students could be responsible.

These are general factors and may vary from student to student. If one can change them in positive direction it will help them excel academically perhaps.

More if we know our enemy we can hit it at the face.

So here we go:

1 High Bunk rate

2 Lack of Self motivation

3 Lack of Self Interest

4a Lack of concenteration during the classes

4b Lack of interest in scribbling in the notebook what was being taught

5 Lack of revisions

6Poor time management

7 Not studying from the beginning.

8 No strategy

9 Laziness

10 3 idiots - Well students could have been influenced sub consciously by this movie. They could have thought that the system was responsible for their situation.

And they could have seen Rancho as their role model. Who topped without ever putting real hard work. Which in reality is impossible.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Reasons for poor performance

House exams are over and results are being declared in the classes every other day shocking and overwhelming majority of the students.
Well apart from 'students own fault ' there can be some other reasons which may have affected their performances. I could think of :

No time for revison:

Well house exams were conducted as if it was some sort of a formality. There was no time in between for revision for most of the papers.
Suppose there was an exam in the evening and it finished at 4:30. The students will go back home and reaches at 5:30. He/she has to take some rest and food. It will become 6:30.

Student will start studying and then its dinner time. After that 6 hours sleep is also necessary.
In all there are only approx 6 hrs for a student. And what if there are 10 chapters to revise!
Student can't even devote 1 hr to each chapter.

It doesn't require a PhD in biology to understand the basic functioning of human mind.
It doesn't work like computer. There is no pen drive - insert and data is there.
It needs revision to memorise things.

The brain releases neurotransmitters which get exhausted with time . It needs time and relaxation to generate them again. So where was that time in the present date sheet of exams?

Lack of good study material
The syllabus at places is very uninteresting, boring and non -relevant.
The reference books suggested for such topics lack coherence in the presentation of study material.

3 Weather
A cold wave and fog hit the town all of a sudden during house exams.
Was it a factor or not?

Well I could think of these. Would you like to add up (or delete) some?


Friday, January 22, 2010

Give me some sunshine.....A teachers version.

Well I have checked answer sheets of house exams. And looking at the wonderful (?) performance of these kids I think this song displays my feelings .

Sara saal to,
So - so ke nikal gaya...
Ab to padh lo
Bachho padh lo...
Give me some diagrams...
Give me some text....
House exams may be over
But finals are coming next!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

3 idiots continued

Ok. let me again address these comments one by one


first Chetan Bhagat wasnt seeking credit he was seeking publicity which he got in the end went home happy and gay. After all he wanted his book 5 point someone and the latest book to sell like hot cakes. The fact that it was a publicity gimmick was proved when in tbe end Bhagat silenced himself by apologizing when he realised that he ahd got the requisite publicity. The magnitude of credit which was his due he got as his name appeared in the end of the movie. As per the movie contract also there was no such clause where it was written that Bhagat's name shall appear in bold and that too in the beginning. Also he was paid the requisite money as the story was bought all in accordance with the rules.

Me: There can be two theories.

1) There was so much pressure from industry giants that the writer must have succumbed to the situation.

2 He really wanted publicity. But what for? He already had enough.

The point about writing about C.B was not for supporting him as an individual. But don't these industry people really themselves raise a lot of hue and cry that they are in derth of stories.And when some one is giving them a story they are acting so much narrow minded.

Watch any movie based on Stephen King's novel and suitable credit is given to him. He is paid enough also. Some other person writes the script. But they never do their funny experiments. They are BIG hearted perhaps.

In fact writing is a profession in India - the most ignored. Writers should be promoted in this country.

second the movie doesnt deride either the students,their parents or the teachers. There is elucidation of the fact that those children who resort to rote learning and just mug up at the last minute dont always make for intellectual individuals.
Also these days parents have imposed streamline careers for their offsprings. Either the child must be a doctor or an engineer. Dabbling in other fields means wastage of time. Such parents must be ridiculed in the right earnest. Children should carve out careers in those fields where their interests lie not where their parents' intersts lie.

Me: Muggers never get passed even. The person who was shown as mugging was also shown among toppers. Ask any top level studnet about any concept. He or she will explain it upto satisfaction also.

second thing : Presentation matters. No body is going to read your mind. But your answer books only. And if a person understands a thing why can't he write it on paper!

3rd thing: revision is different then cramming or mugging.

4th: Parents - What a teen ager knows. Parents has seen life. And if they ask their children to become doctors or engineer even that is not wrong at all. Many of them become so. And those who fail to do so they still land in good jobs. This area provided most of the jobs.

Apart of this if some parents will ask their children - do what you like, the child may wrongfully want to become a movie star. And every one knows the truth what happens there.

creative fields have cut throat competitions and they are matter of chance. If you dont believe me go watch - chance pe dance.Everyone can't be Sahid kapur. But many can be Doc, Ers , Teachers, and so on so forth. So this is a bit exaggerated things about parents.


Raising the points of teachers. Although teachers want their pupils to scale unparallel heights but they must not encourage so much competition and a cooker environment where there is no scope of innovative thinking. Teachers of this type were made fun of in the movie ie those who lay emphasis on only book reading.

Me: This is a good point. And my saying is - Do such teachers exist?
Well No. I never met in my life. They deliver their lectures and go. If we do good they praise us and for bad things – they scold us. What else do we expect from them!
So the movie has given a message – All teachers are Viruses. But in fact majority are Bacteria.
(yes for the sake of comedy – its cool. But people are saying this movie gives - message! Can’t get.)
And There is a proverb – no one dies of hard work.

There is no adulation for and glorification of outrageous and lethargic students. Since the core interest of those students laid elsewhere they did not develop interest in what was taught to them and once they delved into a field which was their cup of tea they became successful a very plausible and true notion which holds true even in our cases.

Me: Every one in an IIT gets a job. 100%. Whether they are interested in it or not.
2nd thing why would one come into it if he or she is not interested.
In reality everyone wants to go to iits. Sometimes even their parenst don’t know what it is!

I only agree with your last point that its a good comedy. It also highlights the flaws of the system in a very satirical way, the best way to leave an impact in a country like India.

Me: Yes. It’s a good comedy. Because student like Rancho doesn’t exist in reality. But only in movies.
One can not become topper without putting hard work.

The conclusion is that parents who impose strict regulations on their children must be ridiculed, others who are liberal and carefully gauge and assess the limitaions of their child must be applauded.

Me: agreed. But in reality every one in the end respects their parents. (Don’t get misled by teen years)

Because profession must be such that u derive pleasure while working so that eventually monetary satisfaction can also be reached.and thats what this brilliant movie signifies. Those teachers must be applauded who closely monitor their pupils' progress and do their duty well by explaining their subject so well that a laggard can also grasp what is taught, other teachers must not be cynicized but seen as flowing with the tide, since their criticism would be wrong.

Me: Ask a teacher, doctor, engineer, mba, etc. and you will get – Main kahan fans gaya yar?
Ironically no one appears happy but in truth everyone is proud of their profession. And if a person have money , happiness follows. Otherwise poverty would not have been called a problem!

Those students must be mauled who waste the teachers' and their parents time and money by being in the field in which they have talent but still lack the desire to excel and exhibit lack of hardwork and patience, others who work hard and know their destination must be doffed hats at.

Me: Parmesh is a good actor. What’s he doing in life science.? (LOL).

Anyways its the point of view and consciousness that matters. Being a movie critic I analyzed the movie to the core and understood its hidden meaning to the full and found out that it counters just those points which are written as drawbacks in this blog entry.

Me: You are the future of criticism!

A knowledge about our sytem of education which showing that the students with 80-90% or above are considered as brillent students. Below this percentage students are treated as average or ......... means they dont have so much knowlegde and they can not do anything with these percentage. But i dont think that getting a good marks in written exams is a good criteria for measuring the intelligency of a student

Me: Yes this I agree. But examination criteria is 70% O.K. And high scorer are generally good students also. But never mind these days there are entrance exams. If one really has knowledge they will get through it. And others – well they can also excel in other fields – life is full of oppurtunities.

its actually hard to believe d movie is in any way a retelling or an adaptation of d book "5.sm1" which i personally dint find exactly funny or evn likeable...wat s evn more remarkable r comments made by Bhagat pre n post production of 3idiots, [which has showcased d true Indian orthodox mindset (n also d true Indian crisis) in a very commendable manner] n d same r d very proof of his actual intentions...abt d issue of glorifying rebellion among students, its quite comprehensible y teachers n parents may share ur viewpoint

Me: Well which book have you liked so far ma’m (LOL).
And glorifying rebellion – I never asked students why they bunk the classes. Rebels you know!

joke of the day:

P.S: I wish your answers were as long as your comments or even half the length.


3 idiots: views and reviews.

Well some time ago I posted some points regarding the movie 3 idiots and got some very interesting comments.

I enjoyed them so much that here i wish to share one of these written by Parmesh.

Parmesh writes:

hahahaha sir your points stand countered.

first Chetan Bhagat wasnt seeking credit he was seeking publicity which he got in the end went home happy and gay. After all he wanted his book 5 point someone and the latest book to sell like hot cakes. The fact that it was a publicity gimmick was proved when in tbe end Bhagat silenced himself by apologizing when he realised that he ahd got the requisite publicity. The magnitude of credit which was his due he got as his name appeared in the end of the movie. As per the movie contract also there was no such clause where it was written that Bhagat's name shall appear in bold and that too in the beginning. Also he was paid the requisite money as the story was bought all in accordance with the rules.

second the movie doesnt deride either the students,their parents or the teachers. There is elucidation of the fact that those children who resort to rote learning and just mug up at the last minute dont always make for intellectual individuals.
Also these days parents have imposed streamline careers for their offsprings. Either the child must be a doctor or an engineer. Dabbling in other fields means wastage of time. Such parents must be ridiculed in the right earnest. Children should carve out careers in those fields where their interests lie not where their parents' intersts lie.

Raising the points of teachers. Although teachers want their pupils to scale unparallel heights but they must not encourage so much competition and a cooker environment where there is no scope of innovative thinking. Teachers of this type were made fun of in the movie ie those who lay emphasis on only book reading.

There is no adulation for and glorification of outrageous and lethargic students. Since the core interest of those students laid elsewhere they did not develop interest in what was taught to them and once they delved into a field which was their cup of tea they became successful a very plausible and true notion which holds true even in our cases.

I only agree with your last point that its a good comedy. It also highlights the flaws of the system in a very satirical way, the best way to leave an impact in a country like India.

The conclusion is that parents who impose strict regulations on their children must be ridiculed, others who are liberal and carefully gauge and assess the limitaions of their child must be applauded.
Because profession must be such that u derive pleasure while working so that eventually monetary satisfaction can also be reached.and thats what this brilliant movie signifies. Those teachers must be applauded who closely monitor their pupils' progress and do their duty well by explaining their subject so well that a laggard can also grasp what is taught, other teachers must not be cynicized but seen as flowing with the tide, since their criticism would be wrong.
Those students must be mauled who waste the teachers' and their parents time and money by being in the field in which they have talent but still lack the desire to excel and exhibit lack of hardwork and patience, others who work hard and know their destination must be doffed hats at.

Anyways its the point of view and consciousness that matters. Being a movie critic I analyzed the movie to the core and understood its hidden meaning to the full and found out that it counters just those points which are written as drawbacks in this blog entry.


p.S: In answer to all other comments You have to read the next blog.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Cocaine addiction

Why cocaine addiction is hard to quit?

In a recent study the scientists tried to answer this question. They looked at the way in which cocaine actually works.

In normal condition after a pleasure moment (e.g taking food), an enzyme is produced by gene 9A. This enzyme then shuts off the other genes in pleasure circuit and person feels satisfied.

However chronic cocaine addiction prevents this enzyme from doing this job. Hence the genes in pleasure circuit remains on and thus the addict craves for more and more of cocaine.

In mice studies researchers could stop cravings simply by increasing the activity of gene 9A.
It could lead to some drug devlopment for easy quitting of addictions.


Bacteria walks with the hep of CALCIUM

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunitistic human pathogen. It is a common cause of hospital-acquired Pneumonia.
It walks with the help of pili. A protein called PilY1 is necessary for the formation of these pili.
Scientist have resolved the crystal structure of this protein and found a binding site for single Calcium atom in it.
When this site was blocked so that no calcium could bind, bacteria could not move further.

This discovery can help in drug development against this pathogen or may be others also.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Vertebrates come to land

In Nature journal there is a study published based on footprints of land vertebrates concluding that vertebrates came to land 398 million years ago (in middle devonian) and not 380 millions ago as previouly thought. It means our ancestors left water 18 million years earlier than as previously thought.

Earlier studies were based on a short-lived intermediate stage of tetrapods represented by "elpistostegids" such as Tiktaalik.
But the latest foot prints based study has ammended the belief held earlier.


House Examinations 2009

Winter holidays were over and colleges of University of Delhi reopened on 8th January, 2009.
And the very first day was examination day for the students. Unfortunately, all of a sudden the climate changed and struck by cold and fog. So it added to the problems of students.

I can only wish them all the very best!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How i spent my holidays

Winter vacations are over now, today being the last day! It is giving me shivers to think of traveling all the way from North Campus (D.U) to Venky early in the morning.

Well I am not going to tell everything about how I spent my holidays. But one major part was - movies.
I digged and found some of the coolest movies.

1 The cure - A moving story about friendship and its loss.
2 A walk to remember - a touching love story.
3 Butterfly effect - A mystery with supernatural element.

Honorary mention: Avatar, Ferris Bueller a day off, Apt pupil.

There were others but these are of primal interest.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 new planets

Space telescope of NASA -Kepler, has identified 5
new planets beyond our solar system. They have
been named Kepler 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b and 8b.

The picture shows diagrammatic comparison of sizes of all the newly discovered planets with respect to earth.

Monday, January 4, 2010

3 idiots: Opinions

I have read 5 point someone and watched 3 idiots as well.
So here are some of my personal opinions related to it:
(It's not a review).
There is strong similarity between book and novel. But movie people just to make it look different have added an interesting twist. But that doesn't make it a different story. The soul remains the same as that of the novel only body (perhaps an arm or leg) changes.
Further writers are not promoted much in India. Thus, I think Mr Bhagat should have been given the credit. And how would it have harmed the screen writer?

The novel and movie has derogatory elements towards hard working students as well as teachers. Parents who are well wishers of their children have also been ridiculed.

Their is exaggerated adoration of students who are incompetitive, thiefs and rebels without cause.

It's a good comedy and reveals some of the flaws of education system but not an absolute.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Largest Virus: Marseillevirus

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), scientists have reported a new family of giant viruses: Marseillevirus.

These viruses live inside amoeba. They are icosahedral in shape and have a diameter of about 250 nanometers. Amazingly their genome consists of a mosaic of genes.

Top 5 CO2 releasing nations.

Top 5 nations which are biggest CO2 emitters are:
1 China
2 United states
3 European union
4 Russia
5 India.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Chimp and human: Why different?

Human and chimpangees share 97% gene homology. The question then was why are they so different from each other.

In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences an attempted has been made to answer this dilemma.

The researchers found that 90 transcription factors which affect 1,000 genes may be behind this. There are differences in these transcription factors in both human and chimps. Thus they differe in control of gene regulation.

This leads to difference in gene expression in both species and thus both human and chimps become different.


Happy 2010

Well today we entered the last year of this decade.
My resolution this year would be to continue blogging and try to mke it more interesting and educating.
So here I take this oppurtunity to wish all my readers a VERY HAAPY 2010.

