Tuesday, December 15, 2009

learning by writing: Adding fourth dimension

There are three kind of learners ignoring the fact that everyone had a threhhold level of all three but varying in certain points. These are:

Those who can grasp and remember more and better if they saw the things related to the topic being discussed.
they prefer diagrams and graphics mor than oral lecturing.

Those who can grasp and remember more and better if they hear things related to the topic being discussed.
they prefer oral lecturing.

They prfer both hearing and seeing

Now what is the fourth type. Here it goes.

Users of prefrontal cortex.
When one is writing he or she is using this part of brain. Since it is akind of activity rather than mere analysis, new synaptic connections are being formed and thus the individual is helped more.

this can be a tip to students who want to INCREASE their learning during lectures.
And you can prevent SLEEP also.

So next time in your class : WRITE.

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