Sunday, February 7, 2010

5% brain use and its proof

There is a theory that human being uses 5-10% of their brain power. And most of it lies latent.
And this latency ocurs mostly due to lethargy which in turn due to lack of motivation.

As a last assignment when I announced that students have to make all the diagrams related to the syllabus (one more time) , a disappointment was shown. And it was the proof to the concept.

However disinteresting this assignment may have sound, it will help the students in following ways:

Revision is the key: In order to become an expert one has to make these diagrams at least 4-5 times. This assignment will help in one more revision.

Nothing is impossible: If they will do the assignment they will find this fact for themselves.

Time management: If they have to make 100 diagrams in 15 days (as they have been given), how many diagrams one has to make every day?
Ans: 7 only. Ans is it that tough!

And some students can even go one step ahead and may complete in 7 days also.
Increased creativity: Diagrams are good for our right side of brain. Right side is responsible for creativity which in turn is an essential factor for success in life.

Comparitive benefits: Students will be comparitively ( a guess) putting more efforts than students of other colleges which will move them at the upper level of competition. This comment is for en mass.

6 Misc: Students will find hidden powers in them, they will get more confident, they can feel proud at their hard work, they will be more happy to face final exams, etc.

I hope I will get the assignment in time this time.

Happy drawing!!


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